Version: ECO_M_ENG_220303_E001
5.3. Parameterization
A communication interface is implemented in the ECO which uses a digital output for data transmission.
The communication to the PC/laptop is enabled by means of the communication adapter ECO-COM.B.USB and
the parameterization software KEM EcoControl.
During parameterization the outputs cannot be used, the ECO is supplied via the communication adapter.
5.3.1. Installation of KEM EcoControl
You can find the EcoControl software in the download area of the KEM website. There is an installer that installs
all the necessary components on your PC/laptop.
5.3.2. Connect ECO with PC/laptop
Plug the ECO-COM.B.USB into a free USB (USB-A) port.
Start the program.
In the upper part of the screen there is an area "Connection".
Fig 6: Connection on the EcoControl configuration interface
There, next to the Connect button, some status information is displayed:
Rx: number of received telegrams
Err: number of communication errors (serial communications can sometimes have errors)
Circle, which can be red, orange or green.