Thank you for purchasing the Kelvin Duo wine thermometer. When
developing this product our goal was to provide a meaningful and easy way
to understand different wine serving temperatures.
It’s a common generalization that red wine should be served at room
temperature and white wine should be served from the refrigerator. The
reality is that the ambient room temperature of most homes is higher than
the recommended serving temperature for red wine, and most refrigerators
are significantly colder than the recommended serving temperature for many
white wines.
The Kelvin Duo provides an easy to use reference point that will guide wine
drinkers towards the optimum serving temperatures for different types of
wines. Using three words on the LCD display; ‘Under, Ideal and Over’ and
using LED backlight indication colours; ‘Blue, Green and Red’ makes it easy
to see when a wine has reached the optimum serving temperature. We hope
that the Kelvin Duo wine thermometer will provide you with years of trouble
free service, and will help you develop your appreciation of wine by serving
it at its optimum temperature.
Your product is covered by a 24 month manufacturer’s warranty.
To register your product please visit our website at www.mykelvin.co.uk
We suggest that the retail carton is
retained for future storage as this also
contains a comprehensive wine guide
which you may find useful. If you would
like an additional copy of this wine guide
it can be down loaded from our website.
The two parts of the Kelvin Duo have
been designed to clip together for easy
storage and transportation.
Kelvin Duo – Wireless Wine Thermometer