Service Manual Model J
pump. Its position was carefully adjusted on test to suit the power output stated in the
catalogue. Do not attempt to move it or disturb the seal.
*35 FUEL PUMP LUBRICATION.--The pump is lubricated by fuel oil and
therefore no attention to lubrication is required.
36. AIR LOCK.--Before attempting to start for the first time a new engine, or an
engine which has been overhauled or has had its fuel system opened, it is necessary to
ensure that all air has been removed from the pump and fuel pipes. Open the cock at
the front end of the fuel pump and turn the engine by hand until fuel flows out freely
without air bubbles. Then close the cock, open all the injector drains, and again turn
the engine until fuel overflows from the governor into the drain bottle. Close the
drains and start the engine.
If the engine runs irregularly, inspect the injector nozzles one by one
37. FILTER.--The filter should not be dismantled and cleaned without reference to
the C.A.V. Instruction Book supplied in the tool box. If two filters are fitted use one at
a time and run until the engine staggers; then change to the second and clean the first
so that it is ready. No water will collect in the filter if the drain cock on the fuel tank is
regularly tapped
38. INJECTOR FUNCTION.--The valve in the injector nozzle should remain closed
until the oil pressure exceeds the compression pressure. The valve should then open
and close promptly when injection has ceased.
39. INJECTOR NOZZLE.--To inspect this first remove the injector from the
cylinder, then unscrew the steel cap nut by means of the vice at rear end of crankcase.
If the valve cannot be withdrawn from the nozzle with the fingers, soak it in paraffin
but use no tool which might damage it. The valve is a very close fit in the nozzle, and,
while good for its work, cannot stand rough handling. Avoid touching it with gritty
hands or with cotton, as the slightest trace of either is sufficient to make it stick. The
nozzles and valves are not interchangeable and must be kept together. If one is
damaged both must be renewed; a spare nozzle with valve should be carried. Avoid
mixing the injector parts. Deal with the injectors one at a time.
40. INJECTION POINT.--The injection should commence a little before the piston
reaches the top of its stroke. If the injection is too soon, the engine will knock. If too
late, it will lack power or show smoke at the exhaust. The mark on the flywheel
indicates the commencement of injection which was found best on test, but a change
of fuel might call for some adjustment which should be made at the pump coupling-
half a mark at a time.
Should the fuel pump be removed, re-connect it as follows:-- (a) turn the engine
until No. 1 Cylinder blows at the sparking plug; (b) adjust the flywheel to bring
"Injection" mark central; (c) turn pump by coupling until marks on coupling and
pump coincide; (d) couple the pump to its driving shaft; (e) if this does not give an
exact result use the adjustment on the coupling.