Service Manual Model J
and hang the following on nails driven into the bulkhead: (a) 2 finger pins to tighten
water pump gland; (b) small brass box spanner for carburettor jet.
3. REPLACEMENTS.--All the parts of current models are usually in stock, also the
parts of our older models for which there is a regular demand. Please describe the
parts which you require in the terms of the spares list which is contained in the tool
box. We can supply boxes containing a selection of spares suitable for customers in
remote districts; contents and price as per spares list. To England, Scotland, Northern
Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, goods not exceeding fifteen pounds (in
each package) may be sent by post C.O.D. (cash on delivery). Buyers abroad may
have goods sent C.O.D. if they satisfy themselves that the system is available.
4. IMPROVEMENTS.--We make improvements from time to time and, where
possible, we make them applicable to engines already despatched. If you wish to
know whether any improvements have been added since your engine was made and
the cost of supplying them, quote the number of the engine to us.
*5. FUEL.--The engines are tested on Shell Mex Diesolite, but will run on any of the
oils marketed in this country as Diesel Oil, Gas Oil, Diesoleum, or Gasoleum,
provided that the viscosity does not exceed 40 seconds Redwood No. 1 at 100°
Fahrenheit and the oil remains fluid at 20° Fahrenheit. As Diesel fuels are variable, it
is desirable to draw a sample in a glass from every consignment. Oil having fine
sediment in suspension has a dull appearance, but clean oil is brilliant even although
dark in colour. Suitable fuel oils are obtainable from
THE SHELL MEX and B.P. LTD., Shell Mex House, Victoria Embankment. London,
THE ESSO PETROLEUM CO.. LTD., 83 Albert Embankment, London, S.E.11.
THE REGENT OIL COMPANY, LTD., 117 Park Street, London, W.1.
You are recommended to write direct for the name of your nearest dealer.
*6. LUBRICATION is the most important care of an oil engine. Use only a
proprietary oil of good quality and see that it is delivered to you with the maker's seal
intact. We cannot indicate all the brands which are suitable, but the oils mentioned are
used by our customers.
*7. LUBRICATING SYSTEM.--The oil supply is contained within the crankcase
and below the reach of the cranks, An oil pump in the sump supplies a drip nozzle
situated above each revolving crank, and a pipe leading to each bearing. The surplus is
led into the timing wheel case. An oil test cock
serves to indicate whether the
system is working. The oil level must be maintained between the marks "full" and
"low" on the dip rod. The crankcase should be cleaned out once in 300 hours or more
often if there is any tendency for soot or sediment to accumulate. When the crankcase
has been pumped out
the oil pump
may become air locked, and it is
necessary to make sure that it is working
before running the engine for any length
of time. The sump holds l 1/4 gallons.