© 2017 Kelso Technologies (USA) Inc. All Kelso Valves are Patent Protected. Detailed designs are subject to change without notice.
Kelso Technologies Inc. 1526 Texas Ave, Bonham, TX. 75418, Phone: (903) 583-9200
Document No. - KTUD112
Revision 6
2/7/2022 (Original Release 12/7/2015)
Printed in U.S.A.
b. If the pressure indicated is above the acceptable AAR tolerance for the
valve setting, rotate the adjustment screw counterclockwise and test
again. Repeat this process until the desired STD value has been
established then record the pressure
(Figure 6.10)
c. Once the STD value has been achieved, and while the test stand is still
pressurized, slowly start to lower the pres
sure until the “vapor tight
pressure” has been observed. The minimum allowable pressure for this
to occur for each valve model is specified in
Figure 6.7
. If the vapor tight
pressure is greater than the absolute minimum, (80% of nominal set
pressure) as established by AAR, continue. Otherwise investigate seal
conditions and mating surfaces to resolve the problem.
Perform the “start to discharge” and the “vapor tight pressure” tests
again, ensuring test results are consistent with initial results. The VTP
should be verified by holding the pressure for at least 2 minutes without
any leaks. Verify that the measured values have been recorded for both
pressures, then relieve the pressure of the system.
Figure 6.8
Figure 6.9
Figure 6.10