Installation Manual
Dear customer,
Thank you for placing your trust in us by
purchasing this product. Please read these
instructions carefully and completely before
deciding whether you would like to do the
installation yourself or have it done by a
Legal Note: Jetstream®/Jetstream® DF
All Jetstream® are permitted by the ECE regulation
for motorcycles licensed for road use by EU law
as documented on the certification number em-
bossed on each lens. This means that you may
use two Jetstream® units instead of the original
indicator lights without any additional entries in
your motorcycle documents or presentation to a
motorcycle inspection organization in Germany,
or equivalent in other EU member states. You
do not need to carry any special documenta-
tion. This applies to all motorcycles licensed
under EU law and the corresponding lights.
ATTENTION! The warranty will not apply if
the Jetstream® has not been correctly installed
or connected to the electrical supply on your
motorcycle. Do not carry out the installation un-
less you are qualified to do so; otherwise, leave
the installation and connection work for your
Jetstream® to a qualified repair shop. The war-
ranty does not apply to damage due to wrong
connection or excess voltage (such as due to a
defective alternator regulator).
ATTENTION! Improper mechanical installation
or orientation of your Jetstream® lights may in-
validate your motorcycle’s roadworthiness and
insurance protection, or even lead to accidents.
Before every usage of your motorcycle, check
whether the indicators are correctly mounted
and fully functional.
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