5/2004 Manual for connection and operation of the EV-94 EB page 24 of 28
7. Min-/max-value storage:
The device features a minimum/maximum-value storage. In this storage the highest resp. lowest performance
data is saved.
Calling of the minimum-value
press button 3 shortly
the device will display “Lo“ briefly, after that
the min-value is displayed for about 2 sec.
Calling of the maximum-value
press button 2 shortly
the device will display “Hi“ briefly, after that
the max-value is displayed for about 2 sec.
Erasing of the min/max values
press button 2 and 3 for 2 sec.
The device will display “CLr“ briefly, after
that the min/max-values are set to the cur-
rent displayed value.
8. Serial interface:
The device features one
-Interface. You can use the device as a full function
-device. The
serial interface allows the device to communicate with a host computer. Data polling and data transfer is
done in master/slave mode, so the device will only send data on demand. Every device has a unique ID-
number that makes exact identification of each device possible. With the help of a software (like EbxKonfig –
freeware version available via internet) you are able to reassign an address to the device.
Additional accessories needed for the interface mode:
- Level converter
PC: e.g. EBW1, EBW64, EB2000MC
- Software for communication with the device
9-channel-software for displaying a measured value.
EASYCONTROL: multi-channel software for real-time-recording and displaying measure-values of a de-
vice in ACCESS®-database-format.
EASYBUS-developer-package for developing own software. This package features a
universal WINDOWS®-Library with documentation and program-examples. The DLL
can be used in any usual programming language.
9. Error codes
When detecting an operating state which is not permissible, the device will display an error code
The following error codes are defined:
Exceeding of the measuring range
Indicates that the valid measuring range of the device has been exceeded.
Possible causes:
- Input signal to high.
- Sensor broken (Pt100 and Pt1000).
- Sensor shorted (0(4)-20mA).
- Counter overflow.
- The error-message will be reset if the input signal is within the limits.
- check sensor, transducer resp. transmitter.
- check device configuration (e.g. input signal)
- reset the counter.
Values below the measuring range
Indicates that the values are below the valid measuring range of the device.
Possible causes:
- Input signal is to low resp. negative.
- Current below 4mA.
- Sensor shorted (Pt100 and Pt1000).
- Sensor broken (4-20mA).
- Counter underflow.
- The error-message will be reset if the input signal is within the limits.
- Check sensor, transducer resp. transmitter.
- check device configuration (e.g. input signal)
- Reset the counter