4.3 Filter elements
Inside the air purifier there are two filter elements. The sucked in air flows first
through the first filter element (first filter stage) and then through the second filter
element (second filter stage).
During this flow, the particles in the air stream settle on the filter elements. In the
first filter stage, larger particles are first separated. Then, in the second filter stage
smaller particles are separated.
The filter elements of both filter stages are wearing parts and cannot be cleaned.
They must be replaced at regular intervals, at the latest when the maximum per-
missible filter resistance (final pressure difference) is reached.
4.4 Manometer filter resistance
The fine surface structure of the filter elements represents a resistance for the air
flow. This so-called filter resistance is determined by a differential pressure meas-
urement (measuring the pressure before and after the filter elements). In the air
cleaner the differential pressure is commonly measured for both filter stages. This
measured differential pressure is displayed on a manometer on the front of the air
Selector switch room air cleaner On / Off
Manometer filter resistance
Potentiometer for speed of fan
Illustration 3:
Detail view of the control unit of the room air cleaner
Operating Manual AmbiCube
Functional description
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