In this section:
Introduction to this manual ....................................................... 1-1
Models 707B and 708B applications ........................................ 1-1
CD-ROM contents .................................................................... 1-2
Introduction to this manual
This manual provides detailed tutorials to help you achieve success with your Keithley Instruments
Model 707B or 708B Semiconductor Switching Matrix. In addition, this manual provides the basics of
the two simplest Models 707B and 708B interfaces, the front panel and the web interface, to
familiarize you with the instrument. You can also familiarize yourself with the instrument by running
the examples in this manual that are relevant to your intended use and to the equipment you are
Some of the examples in this manual may use unfamiliar commands and concepts. For detailed
information about these, refer to the Reference Manual (part number 707B-901-01) on the Product
Information CD-ROM that came with your instrument.
Models 707B and 708B applications
Unlike a standalone instrument, the Keithley Instruments Models 707B and 708B are switching
systems that are used to intelligently connect other instruments to multiple devices. This manual
provides application examples that guide you through several common instrument-to-device switching
scenarios. These applications are presented after the summary information about the switching
matrix, and include:
Working with the Model 4200-SCS
(on page 4-1): Demonstrates how to connect the Keithley
Instruments Model 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System to a Model 707B or 708B. This
enables the Model 4200-SCS to automate measurements to multiple devices for DC, C-V, and
pulsed I-V characterization.
(on page 5-1): Demonstrates how to use the Model 707B or 708B
with a Keithley Instruments Series 2600A System SourceMeter
instrument to perform an I-V
sweep across a diode.
(on page 6-1): Demonstrates the basic interaction of the Model
707B or 708B with a Keithley Instruments Model 2400 SourceMeter instrument, including how to
use digital I/O triggering to synchronize source and measure actions between the Model 707B or
708B and the Model 2400. The concepts in these examples can be applied when used using the
Model 707B or 708B with other SCPI-based instruments.
Section 1