6517B-900-01 Rev. A / Jun 2008
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Model 6517B Electrometer User’s Manual
Section 5: Remote Operation
stores the readings in the buffer, and asserts SRQ when the buffer is full. The program waits for
the SRQ, then reads the readings from the buffer.
'Example program to demonstrate using the scan list
'For QuickBASIC 4.5 and KPC-488.2/CEC interface card
'Edit the following line to where the QuickBASIC
'libraries are on your computer
'$INCLUDE: 'c:\qb45\ieeeqb.bi'
'Initialize the interface as address 21
CALL initialize(21, 0)
'Reset controls in INIT, ARM;LAY1, ARM:LAY2, and TRIG subsystems
'and put trigger model in IDLE state, set function to DCV
CALL SEND(27, "*rst", status%)
'Reset STATus subsystem (not affected by *RST)
CALL SEND(27, "stat:pres;*cls", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "stat:meas:enab 512", status%) 'enable BFL
CALL SEND(27, "*sre 1", status%) 'enable MSB
CALL SEND(27, "trig:coun 3", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "arm:lay2:sour tim;tim 15", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "arm:lay2:coun 10", status%)
'TRACe subsystem is not affected by *RST
CALL SEND(27, "trac:poin 30;elem none", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "trac:feed sens1;feed:coun next", status%)
' now the buffer is armed
CALL SEND(27, "rout:scan (@1:3)", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "rout:lsel init", status%)
'Start everything
CALL SEND(27, "init", status%)
'Initialize reading$ while the 6517B is busy taking readings
reading$ = SPACE$(2500)
CALL SPOLL(27, poll%, status%)
IF (poll% AND 64)=0 THEN GOTO WaitSRQ
CALL SEND(27, "form:elem read,time,chan", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "trac:data?, status%)
CALL ENTER(reading$, length%, 27, status%)
PRINT reading$
Test sequence: Staircase sweep
The following program performs a staircase sweep. Using the source voltage measure current
(FVMI) method, this test will measure the current through a DUT at eleven voltage steps (0V
through 10V) (see
). The eleven readings are stored in the buffer and displayed on the
computer CRT at the conclusion of the test.
'Quick Basic 4.5, KPC-488.2/CEC card
Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 - 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176