Model 2790 SourceMeter
Switch System User’s Manual
Using 7751/7753 V-source with 7702 module
The 7702 module is designed to handle DC peak voltages up to 300V
generated by external and potentially unlimited energy type sources.
When the 7702 module is used in conjunction with the 7751/7753 mod-
ule, it can be used safely up to the full output voltage capability of the
7751/7753 V-source (500V DC peak). This DOES NOT imply that the
7702 module can be used with EXTERNAL SOURCES (i.e., non-7751/
7753 derived) above 300V DC peak.
Although the 7702 module is rated for 300V, it can be used with the 500V output
from the 7751/7753 module, due to the extremely low current available from the
source. No safety or reliability issues will result from using the 7751/7753 out-
put with the 7702 module if the equipment is used according to the instructions
The V-source of the Model 7751/7753 can be used with the 7702 module. A typical test
system is to use the Model 7702 as a dual multiplexer to bias and measure up to 20 DUTs.
The V-source of 7751/7753 module powers the DUT, while the DMM of the Model 2790
measures the output of the DUT. To prevent overloading of the V-source, each DUT is
powered (and measured) separately.
shows the test circuit for this application. The 7751 V-source is connected to the
Sense terminals of the 7702 module. DUTs are connected to channels 1 through 20 of the
7751/7753 module. Channels 21 through 40 are used to connect the V-source to each DUT.
To use the 7702 module as a dual multiplexer, multiple channel operation must be used to
control channels for this application. All channels of the 7751/7753 module are to remain
Section 2 (“Setting source output levels”) explains how to set the output of the
V-source of the 7751/7753 module.
During the testing process, channels 43 and 45 of the 7702 are to remain closed. To test
DUT 1, input channels 1 and 21 are then closed. To test DUT 2, input channels 2 and 22
are closed. DUT 3 through 20 are tested in a similar manner by closing the appropriate
pair of input channels. Keep in mind that when testing a DUT, only the two appropriate
inputs are closed. All other input channels must be open.
See “Multiple channel operation - Dual independent multiplexers” in Section 2
of the Model 2790 Reference Manual for details on using the 7702 module as a
dual multiplexer. In Figure 2-9 of the reference manual, the 7751/7753 V-source
would replace the “External Source”.