Model 2110 5½ Digit Multimeter Calibration Manual
Section 1: Calibrating and adjusting the Model 2110
2110-905-01 Rev. A / July 2012
Figure 2: Command Control window
Environmental conditions
Perform the calibration procedures in an environment that has:
An ambient temperature of 18 °C to 28 °C
A relative humidity of less than 80 percent unless otherwise noted.
Calibration considerations
When performing the calibration procedure:
Make sure that the equipment is properly warmed up and connected to the appropriate input
Make sure the calibrator is in OPERATE before you complete each calibration step.
Do not connect test equipment to the Model 2110 through a scanner or other switching
If an error occurs during calibration, the Model 2110 will generate an appropriate error message.
Please refer to The Model 2110 Reference Manual for error code descriptions.
During the adjustment process, the Model 2110 may not display the correct amplitude of the
applied signal. This condition is normal.
After the adjustment procedures are completed, perform the performance verification in Section 3
to verify that the Model 2110 is within manufacturer’s specifications.