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KegLand Distribution PTY LTD     |   

[email protected]

    |      +61 3 90187935 


Cleaning and Sanitising


The gun and bottles should be cleaned and sanitised.  We recommend our KegLand Powdered Brewing Wash 
(part#KL07115) and our Stellarsan Sanitiser (part#KL05357). 


Important Information


* Do not exceed 100kPa (15psi). 
* Always quickly open and close the beer valve.  A fast action will reduce foaming. 
* Ensure the beer and kegs are chilled to 2C or less. 
* If you are getting excessive foaming reduce the pressure at the regulator 
* Highly carbonated or high protein beers (such as wheat, or oat beers) are difficult to fill so be patient with these 
* It is vital to check the Bottle Filler Beer Gun to make sure it holds pressure after you have assembled the hoses etc.  
To do this turn the gas pressure up to 15psi and submerse the entire beer gun underwater for 10 seconds.  If you see 
bubbles come out of the gun repair the leak before using the gun. 


