: 1 - 1
.2 x W
Speaker placement
The listening room is one of the
most variable elements in the
hi-f i chain and its ef fect cannot
be emphasised too strongly, nor
can its ef fect be reliably
predicted. Spacing the speakers
approximately 2m - 3m (6f t. -
10f t.) apart will allow the stereo
images to develop fully. You
should sit at a distance at least
equal to, and preferably greater
than, the distance between
the speakers.
Posit ioning the speaker in a
corner or near to a side wall is
not recommended as the
is right and that the stereo
image is well def ined.
As Uni-Q has a wide, uniform
dispersion, we recommend that
you star with the speaker facing
f lat into the room with no
toe-in. A more focussed centre
image may be achieved in your
room with a small degree of
toe-in, but overall soundstage
width may be reduced. It is
worth taking the t ime to
experiment with what works
best for you and your room.
Installation and operation
signif icant bass boost caused
by this posit ion will af fect the
sound and cause the stereo
image to deteriorate.
It is best to place the speakers
symmetrically within the room,
relat ive to the walls, ceiling and
f loor, where possible.
Be aware also that sof t
furnishings near to a speaker
will deaden the sound -
similarly, nearby ref lect ive
surfaces may brighten up the
sound. Move the speakers unt il
0 - 15°
0 - 15°
W: 2 - 3 m (6 f t. – 10 f t.)
A > 225 mm (9 in.)
B > 1 m (36 in.)