Unpacking, handling and af ter care
Adjusting the feet and/or spikes
TWO Meta speakers are packed
one speaker per carton. Prior to
unpacking, please ensure that
the serial numbers of the
speakers supplied match
each other.
Then, unpack the speakers
carefully following the
carton and inspect for any sign
of damage.
Your speakers lef t KEF in
perfect condit ion. If any
damage is apparent, you should
not ify your retailer or
consultant immediately. Retain
the packaging in case a need
arises for you to transport the
speakers at a later date.
Under normal circumstances
your speakers will be
commissioned by your retailer
or consultant, who will have
been trained in their installat ion
by KEF.
KEF strongly recommends that
you do not at tempt to level
your speakers single-handedly.
Recruit the assistance of
another adult or consult an
KEF Blade Meta outlet for
assistance which
may be chargeable if the
purchase was not made
through them originally.
The spike/locking nut
combinat ion supplied is
designed to provide small
Each Blade Meta speaker is
supplied with KEF designed
substant ial spikes and locking
nuts (also in the care pack).
This enables f ine adjustment
of level, depending on your
preferred locat ion of the
wood. In addit ion to the spikes
and locking nuts each Blade
Meta speaker also comes with
pucks to protect wood f loors.
stability of each speaker by
gently rocking it from side to
side, front-to-back and
Of ten, you will f ind that the
speaker is close to vert ical, but
rocks because one spike (or two
spikes diagonally) seems
too short.
If the general stability is good,
but the speaker is leaning to
the lef t, right, backward or
forward, then equal minor
adjustments to the two spikes
opposite to the direct ion of
lean should be made.
Installation and operation
Installation and operation
You will not ice that a special
KEF care pack is included with
each pair of speakers.
This pack contains a cleaning
cloth and all the required
accessories for connect ing and
posit ioning your speakers. The
care pack also contains the
unique product build cert if icate.
This is a valuable document and
guarantees the quality and
craf tsmanship of your speakers.
The cabinets are f inely f inished
and should be treated with the
same care with which you
would treat f ine furniture.
A suitable cleaning cloth is
included in the customer care
pack to maintain the original
f inish and lustre.
adjustments, not to compensate
for seriously irregular f loors.
A spirit level is provided at the
rear of each Blade Meta
speaker to gauge when the
speaker is perfectly level.
A rigidly-sited speaker performs
because it enables the cabinet
to remain f ixed while the
drive units are allowed to
move as determined by the
source signal.
Best results will be obtained if
the speakers are level and
stable. Check the general