Spirit User manual
page 22
Replace dispersion base and plate
When the dispersion plate is to be renewed, you should renew the dispersion base as well. The
protrusion on the dispersion base easily breaks off when the plastic material is deteriorated (by
cleaning powder).
The fit of the dispersion base into group bottom has changed a little over time, as has the thickness of
the dispersion plate. That is why you should receive new screws together with a new dispersion base
and plate. The new version of the dispersion set is made from (light brown) PEEK material that should
have a longer life-span than the (black) POM.
1. Remove the group dispersion plate (see previous item).
2. Gently pull the dispersion base from the group bottom, pull as perpendicular as possible. Do not
twist the dispersion base.
If the dispersion base does not come off from the group bottom easily, use two longer M5 bolts to
get a grip on the base (see Figure 18). If the protrusion breaks from the base and remains in the
group head, pull out with needle nose pliers or twist in a (wood) screw and pull the screw with
protrusion from the group bottom.
3. Mount the new base and plate with the new screws, discard the old screws.
4. Remount the group screen and seal (see previous item).
Figure 18. How to remove the dispersion base if it does not come out easily. The picture on the right
clearly shows the protrusion on the dispersion base.