The K800 has been tested by the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. It has
met the strictest environmental requirements on the market and has useful efficiency of
not less than 73%. For the K800 to work optimally, it is of key importance that you follow
the care and firing instructions below. Non-compliance will invalidate the warranty.
The K800 must be fired with wood. Most types of
firewood can be used. The most suitable are birch,
beech, ash and elm, but conifers and oak can also
be used if they are mixed 50/50 with another type of
hardwood. Oak contains acids, which may affect the
stove and chimney during combustion.
The firewood must be dry, i.e. with a maximum
moisture content of 20%. If the firewood is moist, an
unnecessary amount of energy is used boiling the
water away before it starts burning normally. Moreo
ver, this forms large amounts of soot and tar, which
are deposited on the walls of the hearth and chim
ney, which in turn significantly increases the risk for
a chimney fire.
Moist firewood also results in poor combustion,
which leads to greater smoke generation with sooty
glass and deterioration of the local environment as a
To be certain you will have dry wood when the heat
ing season begins, it must be cut in the winter. The
wood is then stored in a ventilated place under a
roof and left to dry during the spring and summer.
Before using the wood, you should keep it indoors
for a couple of days so there is time for the surface
moisture to evaporate.
WARNING! It is absolutely forbidden to fire the stove
with painted, glued (e.g. Masonite or chipboard) or
pressure-impregnated wood. It is also forbidden to
burn plastic and other waste in the stove. The com
bustion of such fuels and substances releases acids
and heavy metals, which are very harmful for both
people and the environment.
The K800 is equipped with a feature that ensures
that the firing is as safe and environmentally friendly
as possible. A heat probe, which detects the outgo
ing flue gas temperature, is positioned in the top
of the stove. The probe sends a signal to a control
unit, which then automatically controls a damper to
ensure the optimum combustion of the firewood.
This provides two big advantages. In the first place,
it ensures that the chimney does not overheat
which, in the worst-case scenario, can cause a fire.
Secondly, the firewood burns optimally during the
whole firing cycle, which maximises the efficiency
and minimises the emissions.
Suitable firewood size and quantity for the K800 are:
Length approx. 25 - 30 cm
Diameter approx. 2 - 5 cm
Quantity approx. 1.9 kg
Split logs:
Length approx. 25 - 30 cm
Diameter approx. 6 - 10 cm
Quantity 1.7 - 1.9 kg / load
When you begin firing in automatic mode and the
stove is cold (less than approx. 35 degrees at the
heat probe), the stove is always set to the rated out
put, approx. 6 - 7 kW. The stove is tested and opti
mised during normal operation and with the amounts
of firewood we have stated.
For the stove to reach a good operating tempera
ture quickly, the preset output mode should not be
changed before the stove has been lit for 15 min
If the damper control is turned all the way to the left,
after 15 minutes, and released, the operation is re
set to an output of 3 - 4 kW (low). If the same opera
tion is repeated turn the damper control is turned all
the way to the right, the stove is reset to approx. 8 to
9 kW output (high). To return to nominal operation,
set the damper shaft so it points straight down.
NOTE! When a new output selection to low,
nominal or high output has been made, the
damper shaft will automatically travel forwards
and backwards, to regulate the supply air for
your latest output selection. You can see that
you have made a selection by studying the fire's
intensity after a couple of minutes.
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