Alarm Management
Alarm Management
You may enter the Alarm Management interface from the main menu, including ALM IN,
Service ALM, System ALM, ALM Status and History ALM.
Many conditions may trigger alarm, such as IO Input, service alarm or system error. IO Input is
alarm by detector, such as an entrance guard or a smoke sensor etc. Service alarm is alarm
which is triggered by surveillance video, for example, motion detection, or video loss. System
alarm usually triggered by surveillance system, such as network, disk, etc.
When an alarm occurs, relative actions triggered automatically, such as, IO output, buzzer,
enable record, snapshot pictures, show text tips, switch to view, load the camera preset and
alarm LED blinks. IO output is device action connected in the IO terminal, alarm ring,
loudspeaker, alarm light, etc. Buzzer is NVR buzzer.
5.1 IO
Here an entrance guard is set as an example. When the door is opened abnormal, the system
should take such actions automatically: alarm bell ring, NVR buzzing, the video switch to live
display, and recording.
Access IO Input device
Enter the Alarms/ALM IN interface from the main menu. as shown in Figure 5-1
Alarm Input has two types: Normal Open and Normal Close. It is recommended that the
Device Type of alarm input be set by the administrator to avoid mistakes.
Figure 5-1 ALM IN