Sort : Enables to sort the E-Book files with the following options ; By Name/ By
Type/ By Time/ By Size/ None.
Apply Global Settings : Enables to set the Global Settings On or Off.
Help : Informs you how to use the shortcut keys.
Many different features of your phone can be customized to suit your preferences. All of these
features are accessed via the Setting menu.
Display Setup
In this menu, you can change various settings for the display.
The following options are available ;
Wallpaper : Allows you to set the wallpaper from the “System” or “User Define”.
Screen Saver : Allows you to set the screen saver.
Power On Display : Allows you to set the power on animation from the “System”
or “User Define”.
Power Off Display : Allows you to set the power off animation from the “System”
or “User Define”.
Show Date and Time : Allows you to set the showing date and time in idle mode.
Show Network Name : Allows you to set showing the operator name on or off in
idle mode.