Text Message
Profile Setting : Profile Name, SMS Center Address, Valid Period, Message Type.
Common Setting:
Delivery Report : Option that allows you to check if the message has been
successfully delivered through the network to the other person.
Reply Path : Transmit the reply path to the network terminals. The support of th
e SMS center is needed for this function.
Memory Status : To examine the status of the SIM card and Phone memory. (The st
orage can be Up to 50)
Preferred Storage : Allows you to select the default storage between phone and SI
M card.
Preferred Bearer: Prefer GPRS, Prefer GSM, GSM only.
Multimedia Message
Compose : You can make your own signature.
Creation Mode : You can set it to “Free”, “Restricted”.
Image Resizing : You can set it to “Off”, “160x120”, “320x240”, “640x480”
Auto Signature : You can set it to “ON”, “OFF”.
Validity Period : The period of time the MMS kept in the SMS center.
Delivery Report : You can set it to ON/OFF.
Read Report : Requests notification from the service provider whether the receiv
er has read the MMS. You can set it ON/OFF.
Priority : You can set to priority.: Low , Normal , High
Slide Timing : You can set the MMS slide timing.
Delivery Time : You can set the MMS delivery Time. The following options are av