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Mixture Ratio of Water and Flour
Different flours have different water absorption. Please adjust water amount
according to used flour type.
When too much water is added, the dough will become so soft that can’t be
rounded and even become sticky. If so, the bread made out would be very hard
and with a flat or rough surface and a texture with bigger pore, no elasticity. The
good bread should be half-rounded.
5minutes after adding water the dough still is damp and sticky, please continue
to add one or two Table spoons of flour and knead the dough until you think the
water content of dough is appropriate.
If the water added is lacking, after 5minutes mixing you would find the dry
flour was left on the bottom of barrel and the dough would not be fixed to a
round shape. The dough would be with a flat or rough surface, no elasticity. If so,
the bread made out would be also very hard and hold a texture with dense
5minutes after adding water the dough still is dry too much, continue to add a
Table spoon of water and knead the dough until you think the water content of
dough is appropriate.
Other Recipes
Sugar and eggs will make bread more colorful
. Please add them as the
amount recommended by Recipe Book. Adding them freely will bring a heavy
color and even burn bread, and even finally result in stopping working in
advance for avoiding burning bread.
In addition, if you want to add egg, for
egg will thin the mixture, please be sure to put just one egg beaten into
measuring cup and add water to the specified level.
Too Much
Lacking of