Operating Manual
Original Operating Manual
Sliding pieces (10) by way of the greasing nipples (11).
Sliding pieces (12) by way of the greasing nipples (13).
Sliding pieces (14) by way of the greasing nipples (15).
Every 200h
Check wear on:
Sliding pieces (10, 12, 14).
As necessary
Renew worn sliders (10) by removing the screws (3) for the chain mount (4) on the
clamping body (5). Demount the nut (22) on the cylinder (23) and pull the middle
frame (24) with the slide (2) upwards out of the clamping body (5). Remove the
grease nipple (11) and screw (18) and replace slider (10). Remount the screw (18)
with grease nipple (11) and place the middle frame (24) and slide (2) into the
clamping body (5) from above. Connect the nut (22) with the cylinder (23) and secure
the chain mount (4) with the screw (3) onto the clamping body (5).
Renew worn sliders (12) by removing the screw (1) and washer (16). Demount the
screw (19), bush (20), pressure spring (21) and lock nut (22) on the slide (2). Pull the
slide (2) upwards out of the middle frame (24). Demount the grease nipple (13), bolt
(25) and replace slider (12). Remount the screw (25) with grease nipple (13) and
place the slide (2) into the middle frame (24) from above. Connect the screw (19),
bush (20), pressure spring (21) and lock nut (22) to the slide (2). Ensure that the
screw (1) and washer (16) is mounted on the slide (2).
Renew worn sliders (14) by removing the nuts (26) of the cylinder (27). Pull the slide
(9) out of the clamping body (5) to the side. Demount the grease nipple (15), screw
(28) and replace slider (14). Ensure correct seating of the axial retainer (29) during
installation of the new sliders. Mount the scrwe (28) and grease nipple (15) and push
the slide (9) into the clamping body (5). Remount the nuts (26) of the cylinder (27).
Renew defective cylinders (23) by removing the screw (3) for the chain mount (4) on
the clamping body (5). Demount the nuts (41) on the cylinder (23) and pull the middle
frame (24) with the slide (2) upwards out of the clamping body (5). Replace the
defective cylinder (23). Place the middle frame (24) and slide (2) into the clamping
body (5) from above. Connect the nut (41) with the cylinder (23) and secure the chain
mount (4) with the screw (3) onto the clamping body (5).
Renew the defective cylinder (27) by removing the nuts (26) of the cylinder (27). Pull
the slide (9) out of the clamping body (5) to the side. Replace the defective cylinder
(27) and push the slide (9) into the clamping body (5). Remount the nuts (26) of the
cylinder (27).
After installing or removing a cylinder (23, 27), always check the clearance between
the cylinder mount (32) and nut (41, 26) of the cylinder (23, 27). Cylinders are
installed with axial clearance of 1.5 to 2 mm.