The Joy of Quilting with Your Long-Arm Machine
My computer is also in this room. The computer is a great quilting tool. You can
watch videos, get great quilting ideas, or even design quilts on this fantastic tool. I
have pictures of every quilt I’ve finished saved on my computer for quick and easy
reference. One hint that I give to everyone is to take pictures of every quilt you finish
(front and back depending upon if ou can see the stitching or not) and to store these
on the computer or on the Cloud, so that you can go back and reference them.
Then there are my machines! (you don’t even want to go there!) I’m able to sew and
piece (and embroider, etc.) Love my quilting room!
My favorite part of the room is in the very center. That great husband once again
made me my dream cutting table. It’s 4’x8’, with a rotary cutting mat of that same
size. There are drawers on both ends of this table to store my stabilizers, rulers, patterns,
pens, pins, etc. Underneath the table, I’m able to store three rolls of batting and it is on
wheels, too, so that it can be moved if I need the floor area for some reason.
I also have great things in my quilting room to look at while I’m working to give me
inspiration when I quilt. My walls are painted a cool pastel blue/green. Very calming.
And I need windows to gaze out. Of course I have a clock on my wall in my quilting
studio. A BIG one with easy to read numbers. I have a few framed antique quilt pieces
and a display rack for my Fat Quarters - arranged by color of course. On an empty
wall, I have a quilt hanger where I can change the quilts to match my moods, or the
seasons, or my favorite color at the time, or just my newest quilt.
(currently I have a Wizard of Oz quilt on it,
with beautiful pastel prints). I also have
many smaller quilts on the walls for variety.
My ‘jelly jar’ cabinet (closed,
to reduce dust) is where i store
my hundreds of cones of thread.
they are sorted by color - lightest
colors on the top shelves with
darkest colors on the bottom. my
bobbins are also stored here so
they don’t collect dust in case they