To delete the current message.
Delete all:
To delete all messages in sentbox.
1.6 Delete messages
You can delete all messages of Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, Sent messages and Archive.
1.7 Broadcast messages
Cell broadcast is a service provided by the network operator to send messages such as weather forecast,
traffic status, etc. to all GSM subscribers in a specific area.
Note: The realization of the cell broadcast function needs the support of the network. For details, please
contact the network operator.
Receive mode
To enable/disable the Broadcast Message.
Channel settings
To select, add, edit or delete channel numbers.
To enable/disable the all languages of messages received.
Read message
When the Broadcast Message has been enabled, the received message can be read after
the corresponding server has been enabled.
1.8 Message settings
1.8.1 Text message Message setting of SIM card 1/2:
You can set some parameters of messages in this menu. Parts of setting menu of SIM card 1/2 are
Profile setting
To set the name of a profile, SMS center number, message validity period, and message
type. To send a message, the SMS center number shall be provided.
The number of the SMS center is provided by the network operator. For details, please contact the