At the end please make a control of the distance between the main
carabiners. We recommend to adjust it on 42cm.
Please hang in the harness a few minutes. The seating should be
comfortable. The straps and the board edge should not push and the
back is well leaning.
Such adjusted harness is prepared for using.
How to adjust speed system
Harness NEON is standard delivered with speed system.
His adjustment can be made as follows:
Hang the harness
Fasten paraglider risers into main carabiners
Fasten speed into risers
Release (unfasten) knots at speed system
Simulate full speed on risers
Push both legs and adjust the length of speed lines
Make a knot and fix the length of the lines in this way
It is not necessary to have short speed. In case you adjust speed on
short running, you will have bended legs in case of full speed and it
is not comfortable and very exacting physical.
It is important to adjust the speed so that you have legs comfortably
extended with full speed!!!