fueltank empty
- refill (No. 7).
pollution in the fuel system
- clean tank, pipes and filters
sprayer clogged
- clean sprayer and strainer.
microswitch does not turn
- see point 4.
on owing to too low pressure
magnetic valve of the fuel
- check electric connections.
supply does not open
no ignition
- check ignition transformer, ignition cords
and electrodes. Clean if necessary, and
replace defective parts.
4 Pressure is too low:
wrong nozzle in spouting gun
- mount right nozzle.
pump sucks false air
- check all pipes at the suction side on leakage.
too little water in the
- increase the water-supply.
floatation tank
(not valid for HD 600-100)
dosaging cock is open and
- fill soaptank (No. 19) or
no soapsupply
close dosaging cock No. 8).
safety valve leaks or is
- adjust safety valve (No. 15)
tuned up too low
or repair leakage.
leakage at pressure side
- check tube coil, pipes, hoses and couplings
of the pump
on leakage and repair or replace if necessary.
defective pump
- consult service.
5 No soapsupply:
suction hose clogged
- clean hose
suction hose is hanging
- immerse, if necessary refill the soap tank
above the soap level
6 Burner gives too much smoke:
bad fuel
- clean tank and fill again with good fuel.
oilpump sucks false air
- check suction pipe on leakage.
insufficient burning
- consult service.