K A S P E R S K Y A N T I - V I R U S B U S I N E S S O P T I M A L
The supplied package may include separate components for the selected op-
erational environments as well as any combination of those three components
for different operating systems.
If later you decide to transfer your network to some other platforms or to add
new network elements, you may order (
for an extra payment
) corresponding
components that will be integrated (
) into your existing copy of
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal
From our retail dealers you may buy the following standard packages of Kas-
persky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal:
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for
workstations running Windows 95/98/Me, Windows
2000/NT/XP, 5 and 10 licenses.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Windows 2000/NT, 1 license.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Novell Netware, 1 license.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running FreeBSD/BSDi/OpenBSD/Solaris, 1 license.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Linux, 1 license.
1.3. Information in this book
Issues that we discuss in this documentation.
This book is divided into the following chapters:
For details about how to purchase new components for your existing copy of
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal refer to the local partner of Kasper-
sky Lab or directly to our company.