K A S P E R S K Y A N T I - V I R U S B U S I N E S S O P T I M A L
3.2. Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Novell Net-
Ware. Main features
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for NetWare is a unique anti-virus solution with a net-
work management system, which is completely integrated in the Novell Direc-
tory Service (NDS). The program is a loadable module (NLM) for file and ap-
plication servers running Novell NetWare. It effectively controls all file opera-
tions on a server. If the program detects a virus attack, it is able to efficiently
repel it and quickly recover the system.
3.2.1. Full-scale
anti-virus protection
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for NetWare includes a full set of anti-virus tools: an
anti-virus scanner that checks data storage locations and may be started on
demand or by schedule; and an anti-virus monitor checking all used files
(opened, copied, closed) in real-time. Combined use of these tools allows you
to perform full control over all the virus propagation sources on your network.
3.2.2. Integration
Novell Directory Service
Since all the main features of Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for NetWare are com-
pletely integrated in NDS, it enables a network administrator to efficiently
manage the program directly from the administrator console (NWAdmin or
3.2.3. Centralized
deployment and management
The program may be installed on NetWare servers from any workstation run-
ning Microsoft Windows NT/2000 within the network. Due to deep integration
into the NWAdmin network management systems a network administrator is
able to remotely manage Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for NetWare: to schedule
component starts, to change program settings, notification modes and the or-
der of infected files processing, to plan downloading of the anti-virus database
updates and etc.