Kaspersky Anti-Virus for MS ISA Server
new versions of this anti-virus software product provided free of charge;
phone or e-mail advice on matters related to the installation, configuration,
and operation of this anti-virus product;
information about new Kaspersky Labs products and about new computer
viruses (for those who subscribe to the Kaspersky Labs newsletter).
Kaspersky Labs does not provide information related to the operation
and use of your operating system or various other technologies.
1.4. Conventions
In this book we use various conventions to emphasize different meaningful parts
of the documentation. The Table below lists the conventions used in this User
Bold font
Menu titles, commands, window titles,
dialog elements, etc.
Additional information, notes
Critical information
To do this,
1. Step
2. …
Actions that must be taken
Text of information mes-
sages and the command line
Text of configuration files, information
messages, and the command line.