Kaspersky Anti-Virus for MS ISA Server
To make sure your request is answered as soon as possible follow
these suggestions:
In the message header specify your server’s operating system, the
name of the component you are experiencing problems with, and
briefly describe the problem. For example:
Linux, Webmin, cannot access settings of the licensed users list.
2. Compose your mails in plain text format. Avoid sending HTML
3. At the beginning of the message specify the exact versions of the
operating system and Kaspersky Anti-Virus
distribution package,
and provide the name of your license key.
4. Clearly describe the problem in brief. Keep in mind that when
reading your mail the support service officers do not yet know
exactly what your problem is. They can only help after fully
understanding and reproducing it.
5. Send the following data to the technical support service (pack them
in an archive before sending):
the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
report file (for example,
the license key.