Appendix C
first action after detection of a suspicious object, the application creates
a backup copy of this file. If some data are lost during disinfection, you
can use the backup to recover this object.
Disinfection of objects at restart
– a method of processing infected ob-
jects which are being accessed by other applications while the applica-
tion attempts their disinfection. The application creates a copy of the in-
fected object, disinfects the copy, and substitutes it for the original in-
fected object during the next restart. In MS Windows 9
operating sys-
tems, disinfection of objects with long filenames during restart forces
their replacement with disinfected objects having short filenames. That
may cause incorrect functioning of applications, which use objects disin-
fected in this manner.
E-mail database
– database that contains e-mail messages stored on your
computer. Every incoming/outgoing message is saved in the database
after you receive/send it. Such database is scanned in the on-demand
scanning mode.
– user-defined settings that exclude certain objects from the
scan. You can customize the exclusion rules for real-time protection and
on-demand scans. Thus, you can disable scanning of archives during a
full scan or exclude files from scans by using masks.
Full scan
– a mode of application functioning designed for full computer
scanning for the presence of malicious code upon a request made by
the user with subsequent disinfection and removal of suspicious or in-
fected objects, if any.
High speed
– a level of computer security which provides top system per-
formance at the expense of lower anti-virus protection.
Infected object
– an object containing harmful code. We recommend that
you abandon working on these objects because they can infect your
License key
– a file with the .
extension that serves as your personal
"key". This file is required for correct operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
The license key is included in the distribution kit if you purchased your
copy of Kaspersky Anti-Virus from Kaspersky Lab distributors. If you
purchased the product online, the license key is sent to you via e-mail.
Without the license key, Kaspersky Anti-Virus DOES NOT WORK.
License period
– the period during which you have the right to use the full
functionality of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. As a rule, the license period de-
fined by the license key is one calendar year from the date of license