Modified 1/08/21 MKT200923
Page 19 of 32
Things to Check
Video/audio quality
is poor on set-top
box (STB) or network
connection error is
displayed .
WiFi signal strength in
STB Network
menu .
Ideal for consistent video:
Very strong WiFi signal
Strong WiFi signal
Video may buffer frequently or will not
be consistent:
Medium WiFi signal
Weak WiFi signal
Relocate router and STB
closer in proximity with each
other if possible, so that signal
is strong or very strong .
Connecting the STB to
the home router with a
CAT-5/5e/6 cable will also
resolve poor WiFi connection .
If video or audio quality is
still poor after correcting the
network, contact Buckeye
Broadband customer service .
Ethernet cable integrity
If wired ethernet connectivity
is used, reset/replace the
ethernet cable as needed .
Router integrity
Power cycle STB and router .
HDMI/Analog composite cable integrity and
Reset/replace cable as
needed .
TV HDMI port integrity
Use different TV HDMI port if
possible .
If possible, compare suspect STB A/V quality
to another device such as a Blue-ray player .
If the STB is found to
show issues while no other
devices do, contact Buckeye
Broadband customer service .
Video is not visible
on the TV
HDMI port connection is aligned with the
TV’s HDMI port selection
Ensure HDMI port connection
and HDMI port selection are
the same .
Remote does not
control STB, TV, or
audio equipment
Battery charge
Replace batteries if charge is
low .
Remote is not programmed to TV or audio
Refer to page 8 for
remote pairing instructions .
A remote control button press always activates
the LED light at the top of the remote .
= IR command |
= RF command
If NO LED light is visible on
button presses, the batteries
should be changed .