Chapter 6 - System Operation and Control
Once the receiving RAM is placed in the
receive mode, two numbers will appear on
the screen. The KAM is measuring the space/mark square wave generated by the transmitting sta-
tion. For the best calibration of the receiving transceiver, set the radio tone controls so that the
two given values are as close to equal as possible. A perfect reading would be 1024/1024.
In most instances when the ratio of the numbers is within a 40/60 or 60/40 range, the packet
station will function normally. A larger disparity in the tones may cause additional retries during
packet operation.
If the ratio of the numbers exceeds 60/40, you should reset internal jumper K-1 for partial
equalization. If, with partial equalization these numbers are still outside the 60/40 ratio, set jump-
er K-1 for NO equalization.
Should you require access to the KAM to reposition jumpers K-1 through K-7 or for other pur-
poses, disassemble as follows:
1. Remove all cables from the rear of the unit.
2. Remove the two front panel screws just far enough to free the front panel and bezel.
3. Remove the front panel and bezel.
4. Remove the screw securing VRl, the voltage regulator, to the case.
5. Slide the unit out of the case.
To reassemble, reverse the procedure above. Do not attach cables to the rear of the unit with-
out supporting the front of the PC board or having the front panel secured in place. Doing so may
break the voltage regulator secured to the front of the case.
The hard reset process is provided to re-initialize the KAM to its default values. This process
may become necessary should operational problems be encountered. For example, if an
value has been
and you subsequently change to a computer having a different serial port
output baud rate, the old value of
will have to be removed using a hard reset. The readout
specified in step 5 below will be legible only if your terminal baud rate is 300. At other terminal
baud rates, a reset will occur. However, no display readout will be observed. This procedure is per-
formed as follows:
1. Remove the unit from the case as outlined in the assembly and disassembly section.
2. Locate internal jumper K-6 which is labeled NOR T (nomal-test)
3. Place the jumper in the test position.
4. Apply power to the KAM.
5. Observe on the computer display:
6. Turn power off.
7. Return K-6 jumper to the normal position.
8. Reassemble the unit and return to operation.