Kanguru SonicSTOR
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2. Pull the handle towards you to remove the tray.
Disconnecting the Drive:
DO NOT remove the drive during data transfer. If the LED is flashing, then the
drive is still transferring data.
Windows ME/2000/XP users:
Click on the green
Remove Hardware
icon on
the right side of the taskbar and select the Kanguru SonicSTOR to safely remove
the drive.
If you do not properly remove the drive from your system, then you may
have to reboot your computer in order for the drive to be recognized again.
Windows 98SE users:
Windows 98SE does not have a safe hardware removal
utility, so you can simply unplug the drive from the USB port to remove it from the
operating system.
1. My computer is not detecting the drive, what should I do?
First, check to make sure that drive is powered on; the connections are
tight on both the drive and the computer. Try rebooting the computer and
trying it on a different computer if one is available. If you are still having
problems, please contact our Technical Support department at 508-376-
4245 x2.
2. Is it safe to remove the Kanguru SonicSTOR when data is being
transferred to it?
No, removing the drive while a data transfer is taking place may result in
loss of data or damage to the Kanguru SonicSTOR.
3. When transferring files that are larger than 4GB I get an error saying
the drive is full but I have enough space available, what should I do?
The Kanguru SonicSTOR is preformatted to FAT32, which has a file size
limitation of 4GB. In order to copy files larger than 4GB to the drive you
will have to reformat the drive to NTFS.