Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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Changing Consumable Parts
When the cut quality is not satisfactory, use the following guidelines for
determining which consumable parts need to be changed. Inspect all
parts for dirt, debris, and excess o-ring lubricant and clean as necessary.
Inspect For
Corrective Action
Outer Cap
Dents, cracks
Replace outer cap
Shield Cap
Center hole out of round
Dents, Scratches
Dry o-ring
Damaged o-ring
Replace shield cap
Replace shield cap
Apply a thin film of o-ring lubricant
Replace shield cap
Retaining Cap
Center hole out of round
Dents, cracks
Dry o-ring
Damage o-ring
Replace retaining cap
Replace retaining cap
Apply a thin film of o-ring lubricant
Replace retaining cap
Center hole out of round
Erosion or arcing
Dry o-rings
Damaged o-rings
Replace nozzle
Replace nozzle
Apply a thin film of o-ring lubricant
Replace nozzle
Swirl Ring
Clogged holes
Dry o-rings
Damaged o-rings
Replace swirl ring
Blow out with compressed air. Replace
swirl ring if clogs can’t be removed.
Apply a thin film of o-ring lubricant
Replace swirl ring
Pit depth
Erosion or arcing
Dry o-rings
Damaged o-rings
Replace electrode if center pit depth is
greater than .040” (1 mm)
Replace electrode
Apply a thin film of o-ring lubricant
Replace electrode