Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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Torch Leads to RHF Console Connections
Perform the following steps to connect the torch leads to the RHF console.
See figure below.
Note: When making hose connections, only tighten the brass
fittings enough to make water or gas seals. The fittings are
subject to damage if over tightened.
Braided Shield
1. Remove the threaded ring from the brass shield connector on the end
of the braided shield. Route the torch leads through the opening in the
RHF console and push the shield connector through the hole until it is
seated against the side of the console.
2. Slide the threaded ring over the torch leads, thread it onto the brass
shield connector, and
tighten firmly
. The shield connector should
ground the braided shield to the case of the RHF console in order to
help reduce high frequency noise emission. Using an ohmmeter,
measure for zero ohms between the braided shield and the ground
stud located on the outside of the RHF console.
Torch Electrode/Coolant Supply Lead
Connect the torch electrode/coolant supply lead to the brass cathode
manifold. Note that the torch electrode/coolant supply lead has right
hand threads.
Torch Coolant Return Lead
Connect the torch coolant return lead to the brass cathode manifold.
Note that the torch coolant return lead has left hand threads.
Torch Nozzle Lead
Connect the torch nozzle lead to the angled bracket on the red
standoff. Note that the torch nozzle lead has right hand threads.
Torch CTP Sensor Lead
Connect the #18AWG torch CTP sensor lead to the red standoff as