Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet
1.800.868.1699 www.KalamazooGourmet.com
Pizzas are traditionally made in wood-burning pizza ovens that reach temperatures of
approximately 700 degrees and, sometimes in excess of 900 degrees. Your Kalamazoo
Outdoor Gourmet™ Artisan Pizza Oven is designed to simulate one of these traditional,
outdoor, wood-fired ovens. Making pizza in these ovens requires constant attention to
ensure a proper crust. The reason for this is that cooking outdoors introduces environmental
influences to the process. The cooking temperature of your pizza oven will be affected by
wind, rain and humidity. The key to producing the perfect pizza is not only the air temperature
inside the oven but, more importantly, the temperature of the pizza stone.
On the following page are two charts to reference while contemplating your baking strategy in
your new pizza oven. On “high,” the internal temperature keeps climbing dramatically.
However, with the door open, the temperature equalizes. Also, notice that the second chart
shows that the temperature on “low” climbs much less dramatically. You will need to
experiment to find the ideal balance, though the method you use will greatly depend on the
type of pizza you are making. Use the door to equalize the temperature, particularly for a
deep dish pizza. If you are making a thin crust mini pizza, get the oven hot and keep the door
closed. Be sure to check your pizza often and spin it to ensure even heat distribution.
Remember, these ovens are dynamic, and require constant supervision.
Temperature and cooking times are also determined by the dough you use, and the type and
quantity of ingredients you have on top of the pizza. Refer to the introduction in this manual
for suggested temperature ranges for the three main types of pizza: Napolitano, New York
and Chicago.
Temperature range assuming 72 degrees Fahrenheit ambient temperature with relative humidity 80%.
With burner set on HIGH.
10 Minutes
500 Degrees
15 Minutes
550 Degrees
30 Minutes
600 Degrees
45 Minutes
675 Degrees
60 Minutes
720 Degrees
1 Hour 15 Minutes
750 Degrees
1 Hour 30 Minutes
770 Degrees
1 Hour 45 Minutes
780 Degrees
With door left open consistent 575 degrees is maintained.