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For example:
One (1) open space of 3,500ft² (325m²) requires one (1) monitor
Three (3) conference rooms of 225ft² (21m²) requires one (1) monitor in each room
Spaces over 3,500ft² (325m²) should consider installing multiple monitors throughout the
room to achieve optimal coverage. It is also recommended to align the sensor deployment
areas with the HVAC thermal zoning plan.
This inclusion of multiple sensors in larger spaces is required for achieving various building
certifications, so be sure to check the requirements for your desired certification in order to
meet their standards.
For projects that are not looking to get certified, you have much more flexibility in terms of
what your goals are with IAQ monitoring and the budget available for the project. Feel free to
contact your account representative at Kaiterra to discuss this further.
The following is a sample floor plan that demonstrates how our air quality monitors should be
distributed throughout a typical building floor plan.