Make sure that the firmware on the Sensedge is updated to v1.7.7 or later
versions. After updating, please forget the current Wi-Fi network and try to
connect again.
4. Some routers build a profile of the tra
ic sent by devices, and disconnect
them from the network if they don't look like a PC or Mac. Please make sure
there are no policies like this in place.
In rare cases, using a static IP might work better than using automatic
(DHCP) configuration, even if the network supports DHCP. This should be
avoided if possible.
If you have confirmed that the Sensedge is indeed on the network, and are still
having connection issues,
let’s move on to the second step and check if the
Sensedge is uploading data to Kaiterra cloud
3.2 Is the Sensedge uploading data to Kaiterra cloud?
Sometimes in corporate settings the Sensedge will be able to connect to Wi-Fi (or
Ethernet) but will be unable to communicate with our servers. In the top-right status
bar, check the two arrows pointing up and down. If they're grayed out, this means
that the Sensedge is on the network, but it can't upload data to the cloud.
If so, here are some quick points that the IT department can check for :
Please ensure communication to MQTT, API, and firmware download servers.
(See "What servers does the Sensedge connect to?" above).