QuickPan Panoramic Tripod Head Overview
Thank you for purchasing a Kaidan
QuickPan Panoramic Tripod Head.
This manual is designed to help you
understand how to use your Quick-
Pan to create quality panoramas. This
document will be revised from time
to time and updated versions can be
down load ed from the QuickPan page
on the Kaidan web site.
QuickPan Overview
The QuickPan family is built around a
stur dy and precise Ro ta tor Base with
interchangable in dex ing ClickDiscs.
There are several camera brackets
that slide and lock onto the Rotator
Base. The QuickPan IV rotator design
supersedes the QuickPan III rotator
and uses a new fl at detent disc design.
A panoramic tri pod head makes it
easy to capture a sequence of photos
that are stitched to form a complete
panoramic image. It holds the camera
in the portrait ori en ta tion, positions
the cam era so that it ro tates around
the optical center or nodal point of
the lens and provides a repeatable
and adjustable click-stop indexing
Welcome to the Kaidan QuickPan and Panoramic Photography
QuickPan Rotator with Optional Twin-Axis Adapter and Standard Camera Bracket