12.3 Storage
Moisture can lead to corrosion, particularly on the surfaces of the compressor block.
Frozen moisture can damage components, valve diaphragms and gaskets.
Please consult with KAESER if you have questions to the appropriate storage and commis‐
Moisture and frost can damage the machine!
➤ Prevent ingress of moisture and formation of condensation.
➤ Maintain a storage temperature of >0 °C.
2. Store the machine in a dry, frost-proof room.
12.4 Transport
12.4.1 Safety
Mass and centre of gravity determine the most suitable method of transportation.
Please consult with KAESER if you intend to transport the machine in freezing temperatures.
Precondition Transport only by forklift truck or lifting gear only by personnel trained in the safe transportation of
➤ Ensure the danger area is clear of personnel.
12.4.2 Transport with a forklift truck
Precondition Machine is standing on a suitable transport medium (pallet).
Fig. 40 Transporting with a forklift truck
➤ Drive the forks completely under the palette and lift carefully.
12.4.3 Transport with a crane
Suitable lifting gear ensures correct transportation.
The lifting slings must be fed under the machine.
Examples of unsuitable fixing points:
■ Pipes and pipe sockets
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.3 Storage
No.: 9_5752 24 E
Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor