‘FlexControl 14’ page 3/11 Firmware version 1.x
Wiring diagram (using digital inputs)
: The ‘Remote’ board should be powered
only from the Host board through the Ethernet cable
Don’t connect any power supply to the remote board - neither to the DC power jack nor the internal DC
power connector!
Digital / Analog inputs
All of the 14 input pins can be configured as
and are suitable for attaching
buttons/footswitches to them. The attached buttons can be of momentary (non-retentive) or latching
(retentive) type and should be attached between the pin and GND / 0V (shown on wiring diagrams below).
When idle, the input pins are pulled-up to +5V.
Up to 11 of the inputs can be configured as
, thus allowing potentiometers to be attached to
them. The result of analog-to-digital conversion is a 7-bit value which is (optionally) transformed (see charts
below) and sent in MIDI CC message and (optionally) – to PWM output with same number. Messages are
sent only on change of the measured value.
In order to use the analog inputs
You should remove corresponding pull-up resistors
, located on the
bottom side of the board (rev. B), according to table below. It’s recommended to use linear potentiometers
500 Ω
5 kΩ
. Also, it’s
recommended a 47..200 nF capacitor to be soldered between the
analog pin and GND as close as possible to the MCU, like shown on the connection diagram below. There are
blank footprints available for capacitors on the bottom side of the board. The footprints are of 0805 size.