Enter the menu by admin
Place admin fingerprint on
the fingerprint reader
Voice guide
“1 Fingerprint Management, 3
PIN Code Management, 4
Wireless Communication Setting,
5 System Setting, press
corresponding number and
pound key to confirm.”
There is only management right
available for admin fingerprint and
admin PIN code. It cannot be used
to unlock the door.
If there is any abnormality with the
fingerprint reader, please wake up
the keypad first and press # button
to wake up fingerprint reader.
Enter the menu by admin
PIN code
Input admin PIN code and
press “#” button
Voice guide
“1 Fingerprint Management, 3
PIN Code Management, 4
Wireless Communication Setting,
5 System Setting, press
corresponding number and pound
key to confirm.”
Example of placing fingerprints on the fingerprint sensor
“Poor Example”
toward one side
is place
too deep inside
Finger leans
toward the tip
Finger moves
“Good Example”
How to Enter the Menu
Place the finger on the
center of the fingerprint
sensor and press slightly so
that the contact area
becomes greater.
1. The fingerprint registration(or identification)
may experience some problems if the ridges are indistinct or damaged, or if the
fingerprints belong to children.
2. The fingerprint registration(or identification) may experience some problems if the
fingerprint sensor is contaminated.
3. The fingerprint registration(or identification) may experience some problems if the
finger is not placed on the right position of the fingerprint sensor(on the center of the
fingerprint sensors)
4. Register multiple fingerprints or register a single fingerprint for multiple times in case
the sensor fails to read due to contamination or scars.