Please scan QR code or search "凯迪仕智能" in app
store to download and install APP. Please complete
registration if use this APP first time. Open APP
home page after sign in successfully, click “+" at
top-right corner, select "scan code to add", then
scan the QR code on the back of the battery cover
to add the device.Please follow the guide of APP
for network configuration operation.
Please ensure latest app version if you already
download“凯迪仕智能”APP on your phone. if QR code
on the battery cover can not be scanned, please select
“manual add" ,then Select the searched device or
enter K20 Pro Max(V2) at the top to go to the
corresponding add boot page.
4 Set your smart lock
WiFi network configuration
Add user and credential
① This lock only support 2.4Ghz WiFi frequency
and does not support 5Ghz frequency. If WiFi
configuration failed, please check router setting.
② Make sure distance between router and lock
not exceed 10m, otherwise weak signal may
affect connection effect.
③ Please keep WiFi network connection smooth,
otherwise it may affect some lock function.
④ Please make sure lock power supply is normal
and activated.
When it is inconvenient to pair lock by mobile“凯
迪仕智能”APP, you can press set button once on
the lock, register master PIN code or register
master fingerprint according to voice guide. Only
one type of credential can be registered at a time.
If the lock has been added using the phone“凯迪仕
智能”APP, open the APP home page, enter user
management interface,follow the APP guidelines
and lock voice prompts to add users and user PIN
Only one master PIN code and one master
fingerprint are supported on the lock.
Other credential need to be added through the