3.1.3 Setting of the baud rate via bluetooth
To download flights from flight recorder it is possible to set the baud rate of the K6 Bt using a
proprietary K6-Team protocol via bluetooth. The software on the bluetooth device has to support
the proprietary K6-Team protocol.
At the delivery the K6-Team protocol is enabled, for changing see chapter 3.2.
3.2 Additional configuration via terminal program
The settings for bluetooth ID, -password and the K6-Team protocol can be changed with a PC.
Therefore the jumper TX has to be setted and one of both connection ports has to be connected to
the serial port of the PC. A
cable (TX and RX exchanged) is required (can be ordered at
On the PC a terminal program has to be installed (e.g. the program provided by MS Windows
Hyperterminal or any other terminal program).
Use the following configuration for the terminal program to connect with the K6 Bt:
baud rate: 115200 baud, data bits: 8, parity: none, stop bits: 1, flow control: none
After applying the power supply to the K6 Bt, the string 'ikkk' (+ one second pause) has to be
entered in the terminal program within 4 seconds (while the red LED is continuously on).
The K6 Bt shows its main menu:
K6-Team K6 Bt HW 8.1.0, FW 2.1 build 2011-12-21
- Main -
| Main Setup |
| I: Bluetooth ID | |
| P: Bluetooth PIN | 4321 |
| Baudrate (Info) | Auto (NMEA) |
| K: K6-Team protocol | enabled |
| S: Exit setup, start Bt |
To change the configuration press the corresponding hot key:
Hot key
Bluetooth ID
Change bluetooth ID (0..9, a..z, A..Z, -)
Bluetooth PIN
Change password. Allowed are 1 to 8 digits (0..9) The password must
contain at least one digit..
K6-Team protocol
Enable K6-Team protocol to control the baud rate over bluetooth.
Compatible software is required.
Enabled in delivery condition.
K6 Bt