MOST150 E-O Converter
© 2015 - 2017 K2L GmbH & Co. KG
Chapter 1 Preface
1.1 Intended Use
K2L’s MOST150 E-O Converter is intended for use during development, test, and analysis
of multimedia products and systems based on MOST
technology (data rate: 150 Mbit/s,
electrical cPHY layer)
by people with experience in developing multimedia devices.
Operation of the MOST150 E-O Converter is supported only when used in conjunction with
the components provided by K2L, which are included in the product deliverables.
The original state of the product should not be altered; otherwise product functionality and
performance cannot be guaranteed, and user safety may be at risk.
1.2 Scope of Delivery
The delivery of the MOST150 E-O Converter Kit covers the following:
MOST150 E-O Converter (qty: 2)
Optical cable set 40 m (qty: 1)
Coaxial cables 1 m
(qty: 4)
Converter cable Fakra to SMA ~0.1 m (qty: 4)
Power supply (qty: 1)
Printed user manual (qty: 1)
Check your shipment for completeness. If you have any objections direct them to
. Providing the delivery note number eases the handling.
1.3 Warnings
There are four rechargeable batteries (Lithium-ion rechargeable cells, e.g., Samsung model:
ICR18650-30B) assembled in each MOST150 E-O Converter. As a consequence specific
legal battery directives have to be followed and are described below.
1.3.1 Handling Precaution and Prohibitions of Lithium Ion & Lithium Ion
Polymer Rechargeable Cells and Batteries
Inaccurate handling of lithium ion and lithium ion polymer rechargeable battery may cause
leakage, heat, smoke, an explosion, or fire.
This could cause deterioration of performance or failure. Please be sure to follow instructions
carefully. Storage
Store the battery at low temperature (below 20 °C is recommended), low humidity, no dust
and no corrosive gas atmosphere.