14 – Chipper/Shredder Safety
Safe Feeding Procedures
Materials should be fed into the chipper/shredder safely, to avoid
contact with the equipment’s moving parts. Follow these feeding
procedures to keep you safe.
Feed material only when the chipper/shredder is at full operating
Feed branches from the side of the chute, not in front of it. This
will reduce the risk of you being caught and dragged into the
machine. Standing to the side of the equipment will also make it
easier for you to reach the emergency shut-off switch in the event
of an accident.
Keep hands and feet outside of the feed chute.
Use a push stick to help feed small pieces and brush through the
chipper/shredder to keep you at a distance from the machine’s
moving parts. Do not push materials into the chute with your
hands or feet, pitch forks, shovels, etc.
Let go of material as soon as it begins to be pulled into the
machine and walk away to avoid being hit or dragged into the
chipper by limbs you are feeding.
Feed the branches butt end first to keep the chipper from being
jammed and to reduce the kickback of material.
Lay shorter pieces of material on top of longer pieces and feed
through the machine.
Collect small materials such as leaves and twigs and put them
with the chipped material instead of feeding them through the
Avoid Being Caught
in Moving Parts
Lesson 3
1. Develop safe feeding procedures.
2. Recognize how to protect yourself
from moving parts.
Use a push stick to feed
small pieces of brush.
Never push brush into the
chipper/shredder with your
arm or leg.