Lowest chassis temperature at which fan speeds
commence ramping up for final 25° temperature
mark (see E)
Highest chassis temperature at which fan speeds
commence ramping up for final 70° temperature
mark (see C)
Highest chassis temperature at which fan speeds
reach maximum speed
25°C to 70°C (45°
Range over which maximum chassis temperature (at
which fan speeds reach maximum speed) can be set
Lowest chassis temperature at which fan speeds
reach maximum speed
Table 3-2: Target Temperature Parameters Legend
Target Temp can be set by entering the desired target temperature value in the field and
selecting Set.
Fan Speed
Displays Auto/Full fan speed setting status of the PXIe-62780. Auto is displayed when fans
are set to auto mode and Full when the fans are set to run at full speed.
Selection of Auto or Full values and selecting Set directly changes cooling fan mode.
Alarm Threshold
Displays Active alarm threshold settings, including DC voltage, temperature, and fan speeds.
The updated threshold setting can also be set here, by entering the desired value and
selecting Set Threshold Settings.
3�2�3 Chassis Status
DC Voltage
Displays monitored 5V Standby, 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and -12V power rail readings. The status
displays as normal when the readings are within the threshold range, and abnormal when
the threshold range is exceeded.
Chassis Temperature
Temperature sensors T1 to T8 (left to right, as shown in Figure 1-9 on page 9) located on the
backplane provide status, displaying as normal when under the threshold value (70°C in
the Figure), and abnormal when the threshold value is exceeded.
Fan Speed
Displays monitored readings of the three cooling fans. Status displays as normal when
readings exceed threshold value (800 RPM in the Figure), and abnormal when the readings
fall below the threshold value.