The colors are not
• Check the color adjustments of the display
or video card.
The colors displayed by different PC display
monitors and video cards will differ to some
degree. Improvement is sometime possible
by adjusting the color settings of the display
monitor. Depending on the video card,
colors can sometimes be adjusted using
Screen Properties (click the right mouse
button on the desktop.)
• Switching to True Color (24-bit) display
Colors are sometimes not natural at the
High Color (16-bit) or lower setting. It is
recommended that you use True Color.
• Adjusting color balance
Colors can also be changed by using Color
Balance from the image quality adjustment
• Turn Auto off and then on again.
When different light sources have been
(For example, when alternately using
sunlight outdoors and fluorescent lighting
Time is sometimes required for auto
tracking white balance to start operating.
I n s u c h c a s e s , w h i t e b a l a n c e c a n
sometimes be made to work quickly by
removing the check from Auto in the image
quality adjustment screen and then
replacing the check.
• Depending on the subject, the colors may
appear to vary slightly in some cases. This
is not a malfunction.
The image size and
position change
When one VN-C3U unit is connected to
several PCs, the last PC to operate and set
the VN-C3U unit will have priority.
00.4.7, 5:35 PM