background image


√“¬°“√ Ë«πª√–°Õ∫ ”À√—∫µ‘¥µ—Èß·≈–‡™◊ËÕ¡µËÕ°—π

 Ë«πª√–°Õ∫µËÕ‰ªπ’È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È À≈—ß®“°µ√«® Õ∫·≈È«


Parts list for installation and

The following parts are provided with this unit.
After checking them, please set them correctly.

• When using the optional stay


‡¡◊ËÕ„™Èµ—«¬÷¥·∫∫‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È (“¡“√∂‡≈◊Õ°‡ª‘¥§È“߉«È ‰¥È)


The fuse blows.

* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

Power cannot be turned on.

* Is the yellow lead connected?

No sound from the speakers.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

Sound is distorted.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?

Unit becomes hot.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?



























Removing the unit

• Before removing the unit, release the rear section.


Remove the control panel.


Remove the trim plate.


Insert the 2 handles into the slots, as shown.
Then, while gently pulling the handles away from
each other, slide out the unit. 

(Be sure to keep

the handles after installing it.)







Fire wall






Stay (option)


µ—«¬÷¥ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)

Lock nut



Screw (option)


 °√Ÿ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)

Mounting bolt



• When installing the unit without using the sleeve


‡¡◊ËÕµ‘¥µ—Èß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫‚¥¬‰¡Ë „™Èª≈Õ°ÀÿÈ¡

In a Toyota for example, first remove the car radio and install the unit in its place.



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Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*



M5 x 8 mm



 °√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫ (M
















Note :

When installing the unit on the mounting brackets, make sure to use the 8 mm-long screws. If longer screws are used, they could
damage the unit.




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À¡“¬‡Àµÿ :


‡¡◊ËÕµ‘¥µ—Èß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫≈ß„π·∑Ëπ√Õß√—∫‰«È „ÀÈ„™È °√Ÿ¬“«¢π“¥ 


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* Not included with this unit.




Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*



M5 x 8 mm



 °√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫ (M






Less than 30°


πÈÕ¬°«Ë“ 30 Õß»“

Install the unit at an angle of
less than  30°




µ‘¥µ—Èß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫∑’Ë¡ÿ¡µË”°«Ë“  30









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Control panel



Trim plate









Hard case/Control panel



Power cord



Rubber cushion









Washer (ø5)




ª√–‡°Áπ«ß·À«π (



Trim plate



Mounting bolt (M5 x 20 mm)



M5 x 20 mm


 ≈—°µ‘¥ (M





Lock nut (M5)





πÕµ≈ÁÕ§ (M



Remote controller





Crimp Connector


µ—«µËÕ “¬‰ø·∫∫ª√–°∫
































°“√µ√«® Õ∫ª—≠À“¢—¥¢ÈÕß

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26/3/03, 6:38 PM


Summary of Contents for LVT1003-001B

Page 1: ...STRUCTIONS π π For installation and connections refer to the separate manual 0 ÿ Ÿ ŸË Õ Ë µË ßÀ π µ µ Èß ËÕ µËÕ VCD CD KD SV3000 ËÕß Ëπ VCD CD KD SV3000 ENGLISH VIDEO CD PBC ENTER CD EQ FM AM VOL DOWN UP ATT OSD AUDIO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 RETURN ...

Page 2: ...ather wait until the temperature in the car becomes normal before operating the unit SEL select standby on attenuator WARNINGS DO NOT install any unit in locations where it may obstruct the steering wheel and gearshift lever operations as this may result in a traffic accident it may obstruct the operation of safety devices such as air bags as this may result in a fatal accident it may obstruct vis...

Page 3: channel of the Karaoke VCD 16 Prohibiting disc ejection 16 How to use the M MODE button If you press M MODE the unit goes into functions mode then the number buttons and 5 buttons work as different function buttons Ex When number button 2 works as MO monaural button To use these buttons for original functions again after pressing M MODE wait for 5 seconds without pressing any of these buttons u...

Page 4: ...ogether with DISP display button e Remote sensor r MO monaural button t RPT repeat button y RND random button u Number buttons i E EQ equalizer button o CD button 6 play pause button control panel release button Display window a EQ equalizer indicator s LOUD indicator d CD in indicator f CD indicator g FM band indicators FM1 FM2 FM3 h AM band indicator j Tuner reception indicators ST stereo MO mon...

Page 5: ...r deactivate the PBC function see page 15 q Returns the previous menu while playing back a VCD in the PBC function see page 15 w Shows the current track file number the total track file number and elapsed playing time of the current track on the monitor Each time you press the button the On Screen Display OSD turns on and off e Selects the audio channel for VCD playback Each time you press the but...

Page 6: ...use the battery to give off heat crack or start a fire CAUTION DO NOT leave the remote controller in a place such as dashboards exposed to direct sunlight for a long time Otherwise it may be damaged Preparing the remote controller Before using the remote controller Aim the remote controller directly at the remote sensor on the main unit Make sure there is no obstacle in between Do not expose the r...

Page 7: ... resumed See page 15 for details CAUTION on Volume Setting Discs produce very little noise compared with other sources If the volume level is adjusted for the tuner for example the speakers may be damaged by the sudden increase in the output level Therefore lower the volume before playing a disc and adjust it as required during playback Turning on the power 1 Turn on the power Note on One Touch Op...

Page 8: ...t CLOCK M minute 2 Adjust the minute 1 2 4 Finish the setting To check the current clock time Press DISP display repeatedly Each time you press the button the display changes as follows During tuner operation During disc operation The folder name and the file name appear only for MP3 discs For indication change while playing an MP3 disc see page 19 During power off The power turns on and the clock...

Page 9: ...stops To stop searching before a station is received press the same button you have pressed for searching Searching a station manually Manual search 1 Select the band FM 1 3 AM Each time you press the button the band changes as follows Note This receiver has three FM bands FM1 FM2 FM3 You can use any one of them to listen to an FM broadcast 2 Press and hold or 4 until M manual starts flashing on t...

Page 10: ...r frequencies To tune in to stations of higher frequencies MO monaural indicator Storing stations in memory You can use one of the following two methods to store broadcasting stations in memory Automatic preset of FM stations SSM Strong station Sequential Memory Manual preset of both FM and AM stations FM station automatic preset SSM You can preset 6 local FM stations in each FM band FM1 FM2 and F...

Page 11: ...for a few seconds Notes A previously preset station is erased when a new station is stored in the same preset number Preset stations are erased when the power supply to the memory circuit is interrupted for example during battery replacement If this occurs preset the stations again Tuning in to a preset station You can easily tune in to a preset station Remember that you must store stations first ...

Page 12: ...To stop playback temporarily Press 6 Playback pauses and PAUSE flashes on the display To resume playback press 6 again The scene being played back at the moment stops and remains still when playing a VCD To stop play and eject the disc Press 0 Playback stops and the disc automatically ejects from the loading slot The source changes to the tuner you will hear the last received station If you change...

Page 13: ...hile playing a disc to go back to the beginning of the current track Each time you press the button consecutively the beginning of the previous tracks is located and played back To go to a track quickly 10 and 10 buttons 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a disc 2 Press 10 or 10 The first time you press 10 or 10 button the track skips to the nearest higher or lower track with...

Page 14: ...elected track starts after the current track finishes To start the random playback immediately press This mode is not available when you play back a VCD in the PBC function see page 15 To play back tracks repeatedly Track Repeat Play You can play back the current track repeatedly 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a disc 2 Press RPT repeat while still in the functions mode so...

Page 15: ...he playback of the selected item starts automatically PBC indicator lights up How to select items using the number buttons To select number 5 press 5 then ENTER To select number 10 press 1 0 then ENTER To select number 23 press 2 3 then ENTER To return to the previous menu Press RETURN To cancel a mis entry Before pressing ENTER press the correct number then ENTER After pressing ENTER press RETURN...

Page 16: from all the speakers Notes The selected channel s is not shown on the display Check the selected channel s on the monitor The audio channel is automatically set to NORMAL when you change the disc or select radio AUDIO NORMAL STEREO RCH MONO Right Channel LCH MONO Left Channel Prohibiting disc ejection You can prohibit disc ejection and can lock a disc in the loading slot While pressing CD...

Page 17: ...g MP3 files on a CD R or CD RW This unit can only read MP3 files that are recorded in the format that is compliant with ISO 9660 Level 1 or Joliet MP3 OPERATIONS Notes The unit can read a CD ROM containing MP3 files However if non MP3 files are recorded together with MP3 files this unit will take a longer time to scan the disc It may also cause the unit to malfunction The unit cannot read or play ...

Page 18: ... order and search order of the MP3 files The numbers inside the folders indicate the playback order and search order of the folders on an MP3 disc Note The maximum number of hierarchy levels is 8 23 12 15 14 24 22 17 16 18 8 7 10 9 1 2 5 6 3 4 02 03 ROOT 20 21 19 08 09 06 07 01 04 11 13 05 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Hierarchy ROOT 01 ...

Page 19: ...iously To stop playback temporarily Press 6 Playback pauses and PAUSE flashes on the display To resume playback press 6 again To stop play and eject the disc Press 0 Playback stops and the disc automatically ejects from the loading slot To change the display information While playing back an MP3 file you can change the disc information shown on the display Each time you press DISP display the disp...

Page 20: ...le 36 30 20 10 9 8 Three times Twice Three times Twice File 6 10 20 30 31 32 Locating a file or a particular portion on an MP3 disc For MP3 playback search order see page 18 To fast forward or reverse the file When playing an MP3 disc no sound comes out during search Note During this operation the elapsed playing time changes intermittently on the display To skip to the next or previous files Pres...

Page 21: ...enter the functions mode while playing an MP3 disc 2 Press RPT repeat while still in the functions mode so that TRK RPT appears on the display Each time you press the button the repeat play mode turns on and off alternately To select a particular file directly with the remote controller To select file 5 press 5 then ENTER To select file 10 press 1 0 then ENTER To select file 125 press 1 2 5 then E...

Page 22: ...qualizer suitable to the music genre Select the sound mode you want When you press the button once the last selected sound mode is recalled and applied to the current source Then each time you press the button the sound modes change as follows Note You can adjust each sound mode to your preference Once you make an adjustment it is automatically stored for the currently selected sound mode See Adju...

Page 23: ...ble or loudness the adjustment you have made is stored for the currently selected sound mode C EQ including USER 2 If you are using a two speaker system set the fader level to 00 3 Normally the control dial works as the volume control So you do not have to select VOL to adjust the volume level 2 Adjust the setting 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust the other items To reset each sound mode to the fac...

Page 24: ...once ONCE Scrolls only once initial setting AUTO Repeats the scroll 5 second intervals in between OFF Cancels Auto Scroll To change video system setting VIDEO Select the video system suitable for your monitor PAL Select when using a PAL monitor initial setting NTSC Select when using a NTSC monitor AUTO Select when using a multi system monitor Video system setting procedure Ex To change the video s...

Page 25: ...nel out of the unit 3 Put the detached control panel into the provided case Attaching the control panel 1 Insert the left side of the control panel into the groove on the panel holder 2 Press the right side of the control panel to fix it to the panel holder Note on cleaning the connectors If you frequently detach the control panel the connectors will deteriorate To minimize this possibility period...

Page 26: ...inimum level Connections are incorrect The built in microcomputer may have functioned incorrectly due to noise etc Signals are too weak The antenna is not connected firmly Disc is inserted upside down CD R CD RW is not finalized Disc is locked The CD player may function incorrectly You are driving on rough roads Disc is scratched Connections are incorrect No disc in the loading slot Disc is insert...

Page 27: ...n playing back discs compatible with PBC Turn off the random or repeat play mode Press PBC button to turn off PBC function see page 15 Select the appropriate audio channel see page 16 Change the disc Add the extension code mp3 to their file names Change the disc Record MP3 files using a compliant application Record MP3 files in a compatible format Refer also to the manual Questions and Answers Mus...

Page 28: ...ctions or cautions carefully Use only finalized CD Rs or CD RWs Some CD Rs or CD RWs may not play back on this unit because of their disc characteristics and for the following reasons Discs are dirty or scratched Moisture condensation on the lens inside the unit The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty CD RWs may require a longer readout time since the reflectance of CD RWs is lower than that of r...

Page 29: ... dBf 1 8 µV 75 Ω Alternate Channel Selectivity 400 kHz 65 dB Frequency Response 40 Hz to 15 000 Hz Stereo Separation 35 dB Capture Ratio 1 5 dB AM Tuner Sensitivity 20 µV Selectivity 35 dB CD PLAYER SECTION Type Compact disc player Signal Detection System Non contact optical pickup semiconductor laser Number of channels 2 channels stereo Frequency Response 5 Hz to 20 000 Hz Dynamic Range 88 dB Sig...

Page 30: ...2 Õ ºËπ À Õ µËßÕÕ 3 Õ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ À ß ª Ë ÁÕ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ È 1 ÿ ª Õ µ Èß Èπ À Àµÿ ËÕ ÿ µ Èß ÿ ª Õ Èπ ßÕ Ë ÀÈø Ï Ë π È À 2 Ë π ß 2 Õ π À Ë ß ÿ ª Õ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ß æ æ ËÕª Ë ÁÕ ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ π 3 ª ª Õ ÀÿÈ ÕÕ À Àµÿ ß ÀÈ π ß Èß π ȵËÕ ªÀ ß µ µ Èß ÿ ª Õ È 4 µ µ Èߪ Õ ÀÿÈ ß π ºßÀπÈ ª Ï À ß µ µ Èߪ Õ ÀÿÈ ß π ºßÀπÈ ª ÏÕ Ë ß Ÿ µÈÕß È ËÕß ÀÈ ÈßæÕ Ëª Õ ÀÿÈ Ÿ ÈÕ Ë ß πËπÀπ ß æ 5 µ ª Õ È πÀ ß ß Õß ÿ ª Õ ß ß π È π Ë πª Õß 6...

Page 31: ... ª Power cord ß Rubber cushion ß π Sleeve ª Õ ÀÿÈ Handles π ß Washer ø5 Eø5F ª Áπ ß À π ø5 Trim plate ºËπ À Õ µËß Mounting bolt M5 x 20 mm EM5 x 20 mmF µ M5 x 20 µ Lock nut M5 EM5F πÕµ ÁÕ M5 Remote controller µ Õπ Battery µ µÕ Ë Crimp Connector µ µËÕ ø ª L R L R µ Õ ª À ÈÕß ø Ï ËÕ µ Ë ßÕ Ë ß Ÿ µÈÕßÀ Õ Ë Ë ª ËÕß È ËÕ µ Ë À ÕßÀ Õ Ë Ë ßÕÕ æß µ Ë Ë π ËÕÕ ß æß øøÈ ß À Õ Ë ß æ È π µ Ë Ë π ËÕÕ ß æßµËÕ ß ...

Page 32: ...È ÿ ª Õ ÿ π È Antenna terminal È Õ To antenna µËÕ Õ Line out see diagram ÕÕ Ÿ ºπ Ÿ Rear ground terminal ÿ ËÕ µËÕ π È πÀ ß Black Yellow 1 1 À Õß 1 Red ß Blue with white stripe πÈ ß π To metallic body or chassis of the car µËÕ ß À À Õ Õß πµÏ To a live terminal in the fuse block connecting to the car battery by passing the ignition switch 012 µËÕ È Ë øøÈ π ºßø Ï ËßµËÕ µ µÕ Ë πµ ˵ÈÕß È Ï ÿ To an acce...

Page 33: ...Õß ËÕß Õ æßÕÕ ÿ ª Õ π È È µËÕ È ËÕß Èß µ Ë æß Õß ÿ ª Õ π È È æ π È Õß µ Ë Ë Ë È È À Ë π È ÀÈ Õ È ª æ π ø ßµ Õ Ë ß È ßµÈπ Rear speakers æßÀ ß Signal cord not supplied with this unit Ë È ÀÈ ÿ ª Õ π È Front speakers æßÀπÈ You can connect another power amplifier for front speakers 0 Ë π µËÕ ËÕß ß À æßÀπÈ ÈÕ ËÕßÀπ Ëß JVC Amplifier JVC ËÕß ß JVC Front speakers æßÀπÈ Remote lead µ Ë Blue with white strip...

Page 34: ...l 1 as your CD format With any other file formats folder file names may not be correctly displayed Be sure to add a file extension MP3 to any MP3 files This player cannot play back files with no extension MP3 even if they are actually MP3 files Furthermore files created in non MP3 format cannot properly be played back even if they have file extensions MP3 in their file names This player is not com...

Page 35: ...ta added later multi session discs be played back No they can t Q 8 What sampling frequency range can be handled A sampling frequency range of 32 kHz 48 kHz can be handled But depending on the type of the encoder used playback may not take place correctly Q 9 Is there any bit rate related constraint on MP3 file playback This player can handle a bit rate range of 48 kbps 320 kbps but we recommend u...

Page 36: ...Folder name 14 19 File name 10 including mp3 15 including mp3 A file name is shown with the file number added automatically Q 12 MP3 files cannot be played back Playback is not possible in the following cases The Packet Write method is used to record on CD Rs RWs The file extension is not MP3 The file encoded with Layer 1 or Layer 2 even if extension is MP3 The file data is not in MP3 data format ...

Page 37: ...nd ATRAC 3 be played back No they can t Q 17 Are there any functions restrained during MP3 playback The search function works but search speed is not constant during search When skip is tried at the last file in a folder the next folder is selected Q 18 Elapsed playing time is not displayed correctly Files recorded in VBR variable bit rate have a discrepancy in elapsed time display and do not show...
